SassyJ’s Online Store

Welcome to my little online store! All items are very limited – each piece is unique.
The shirts and posters are screen printed at the “Druckerei Reitschule” in Bern, Switzerland.
I’ve been part of the whole process. In order to buy stuff you need to have a Credit Card or a Paypal Account.

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CHF 15.00

A 96 minute mix of UNRELEASED music by 21 contemporary artists featuring:

Molinaro, Pablo Color, Carlos Niño & Friends feat. Zeroh, Jamael Dean & Jesse Peterson, Left Bank, BSA Gold, Suzanne Kraft, Jonti, Kaidi Tatham, K15, The Abstract Eye, Fourth Kind, Ashtrejinkins, Hieroglyphic Being,
Greg Beato, Greg Beato & Kyle Hall, Legowelt, Afrikan Sciences,
Build An Ark, Alex Attias & Sassy J, Julion De’Angelo and 2000Black.

A journey through sounds, spheres, moods and dynamics
dedicated to the unity and empowerment of the independent artists.

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